Full Service

5th Sunday of Lent—Full Service

Trinity Church, 1589 Hwy 174, Edisto Island, SC 29438
www.trinityedisto.com 843-869-3568
5th Sunday of Lent, April 3, 2022
Holy Eucharist - Renewed Ancient Text; 2019 BCP, p.123

Order of Worship:

Open Hymn #427 When Morning Gilds the Skies

Song of Praise #388 O Worship the King

Collect BCP, p.606

Isaiah 43:16-21

Psalm 126

Seq Hymn #488 Be Thou My Vision

Luke 20:9-19

Sermon The Rev. Wey Camp, Rector

Nicene Creed BCP, p.127

Prayers of the People BCP, p.128

Communion BCP, p.132

One Bread, One Body (CCLI #258356)

I Love You Lord (CCLI #258356)

Spiritual Communion Prayer - BCP, p.677

Close Hymn #493 O For A Thousand Tongues to Sing

The Spiritual Discipline of Worship Sermon Notes

How do Believers Grow in Grace? Disaster or Discipline

The Gospel is the Good News of the Cross and Resurrection of Jesus Christ by which we become the Righteousness of God.

The Spiritual Disciplines - physically activity that helps open my spiritual heart to receive the love of Jesus Christ.

Is this Law? No.

Why should I do it? Not guilt but love.

The Spiritual Discipline of Worship

John 4:23-24 - 23 But the hour is coming, and is now here, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for the Father is seeking such people to worship him. 24 God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth."

1. The Movement - Our worship is response.

John 4:23 - for the Father is seeking such people to worship him. Our Heavenly Father "is actively seeking worshippers. ….. It is God who seeks, draws, persuades. Worship is human response to the divine initiative." ("Worship" in The Celebration of Discipline, Richard Foster, p.158)

2. The Reality - Worship is found in spirit and truth.

"Worship is our response to the overtures of love from the heart of the Father. Its central reality is found "in spirit and truth.» It is kindled within us only when the Spirit of God touches our human spirit. Forms and rituals do not produce worship." (Celebration of Discipline, p.158)

3. The Forms - Worship is free to take many forms.

"Nowhere does the New Testament prescribe a particular form of worship. In fact, what we find is freedom. To say that forms are secondary is not to say that they are irrelevant. As long as we are finite human beings we must have forms... but the forms are not the worship; they only lead us into worship. (Celebration of Discipline, p.159)

Christianity is never private or individual but personal and corporate.

2019 Book of Common Prayer -

Daily Office and Holy Communion

Holy Communion at Trinity on Sundays:

Past Present Future

Conf of Sin Conf of Creed Marr. Supper of Lamb

Old Cov of Law. New Cov of Grace Heav. Reality

"Corporate Worship is not all about the sermon." -Wey Camp

My story of the Bishop's Consecration.

How could it be better? Preparing for Corporate Worship
Read lessons in advance. Get a good night's sleep.
Pray and Fast. Arrive 5-10 minutes early.


Sermon Sandwich


Sermon Sandwich